
Hi! I’m Evelyn

Hello Fellow Cycle Breaker - I'll try and sum myself up in a nutshell, here it goes. For the past 15 years I have studied codependency, conscious parenting, family dysfunction, toxic relationships and narcissistic abuse. I'm a Certified Parent Coach, Trauma Support Specialist and Positive Discipline Educator specializing in helping parents break the cycle of family dysfunction.

Image of Evelyn Rea Vieira

My Fancy Bio

I am crazy passionate about empowering parents (just like you) with the tools you need to break cycles and become your bad-ass self. I live in Round Rock, TX with my awesome hubby, Dave, teen step-daughters, rambunctious boys and neurotic husky. My household may be loud and always messy, but it is bursting with character. I love hiking, traveling, craft beer and good coffee...but not necessarily in that order.

More Weird Quirks About Me

I LOVE sauces of all kinds (garlic aioli is my fav!)

Brunch is my favorite meal (yes, it's a real meal)

I am a nerd about codependency & narcissism (I read about this stuff all the time...for fun)

I HATE folding laundry(I have two loads waiting patiently in my living room as I write this)

I HATE doing dishes (even more than laundry)

I lived in NYC for one year (yay, South Street Seaport!)

I've been skydiving and bungee jumping (not at the same time)

Image of Evelyn Rea Vieira
Image of Evelyn Rea Vieira

My Life Before I Dealt with My Baggage

EXTREME CODEPENDENCY: I struggled with low self esteem, insecurity, chronic self doubt, people-pleasing, perfectionism and had major control issues (little did I know at the time that these traits were symptoms due to trauma).

TOXIC MARRIAGE: I was in a dysfunctional and emotionally abusive relationship and marriage for 7 years and didn’t realize it (yes, he was narcissistic).

NARCISSISTIC FAMILY SYSTEM: I was stuck in dysfunctional family dynamics with a narcissistic parent that was traumatizing even as an adult (I always thought I was the problem).

INSECURE PARENTING STRUGGLES: I was triggered constantly by my kids, held my emotions in until I blew up, tried to control their behavior and felt like a failure daily. (I knew I was screwing up, but had no idea how to change.)

My Life Today

SOLID SELF ESTEEM: I feel GOOD about myself most days which is a new phenomenon and I genuinely like myself (thank you recovery!)

HEALTHY MARRIAGE: I have been in an emotionally healthy relationship and marriage with my soul mate and partner in crime for 12 years (woohoo, healthy love does exist!)

SOLID FAMILY SYSTEM WITH BOUNDARIES: I have been no contact with my narcissistic parent for two years now and am no longer in a dysfunctional family system (thank God, I am free!)

ROCKSTAR PARENTING SKILLS: I feel confident in my parenting knowing I’m no longer projecting my insecurities onto my kids. (Cheers to breaking dysfunctional parenting cycles!)

Image of Evelyn Rea Vieira

My Fancy Certifications
and Trainings

  • Certified Trauma Support Specialist - Arizona Trauma Institute 2023
  • Certified Positive Discipline Educator - The Positive Discipline Association 2021
  • Certified Parent Coach - The Jai Institute for Parenting 2019
  • Dialectical Behavior Therapy Training - Private Practice 2018
  • Court Appointed Special Advocate - Williamson County CASA 2017
  • Associates in Psychology - Austin Community College 2016
  • The Total Transformation Program - James Lehman 2016
  • Playtime Parent Training - The Language of Listening 2015

Claim the Future You Deserve

If you are longing for transformation but don’t know where to start and your story sounds like mine used to, let’s chat and get you the transformation you deserve. You are worth it and so are your kids. The power to heal lies within you, let’s unleash it together!